
Showing posts from March, 2021

My major strength

  As a visual learner, I’m really determined on investigating, learning and focus on things or jobs that I will need to do or able to do. Therefore, I’m an active and friendly person who able to communicate my emotion and idea in the most understandable context/solutions. Also, I love working in a team and discuss differences as much as similarities across different cultures and job types which help me to be a perfect team player and a great leader if I needed to. The ability to communicate and listen effectively enable my coping strength in a variety of situation and resolving problems successfully.


  Workplace bullying isn’t a new topic at the workplace environments, it involves all unreasonable activities toward an individual or a group pf an employee that could risk the health and safety of the workers. People are often hesitant to make a complaint because they afraid of the consequences or they experienced unsatisfied result in the past. The victims often have a mental difficulty facing complex problems toward their complaints which causing them to avoid or ignore bullying.   Below are the listed reasons why employees afraid of making a complaint: -           Fear of the problem remains unsolved. -           Fear no one taking the concern seriously. -           Fear of being blame for the issue. -           Fear of breaking work-relationship or getting a bad reputation. -  ...

Stress in the Workplace

Work-related stress is one of the growing issues around Australia and particularly in Northern Territory Australia. It affects the health and safety of employees as much as the productivity and success of any organisation. Work-related stress occurred when work demands exceed an employee’s capability and capacity through various types of tasks and workloads. Each person might perceive the different level of stress that associate with their general health and personal life. The common symptoms of work-stress-related appear through a variety of forms from physical, behavioural to psychological: -           Physical symptoms include headaches, sleeping difficulties, diarrhoea, constipation, muscular tension, fatigue, heart palpitations, dermatological and gastrointestinal upsets. -           Psychological symptoms include anxiety, irritability, depression, discouragement, pessimism, overwhelmed fe...

WHS at Navitas Professional Services.

  The positive workplace and diverse workforces is the fundamental of a great working environment and a key success to any organisation or business, so Navitas Professional Services isn’t exceptional. Navitas has helped thousands of learners to change their lives through education and achieve their dreams. Particularly, International services are one of the most important factors that Navitas has been used to achieve the business goal. Employees and students of Navitas are sharing a range of diverse backgrounds and perspective that require the organisation to make an insight policy and procedures to maintain a more inclusive working and studying environment. There are some diversity strategies could be applied to maintain a safe and healthy working environment within Navitas such as: -           Incorporating Agency Multicultural Plan, Disability Action Plan, Indigenous Employment Strategy, Reconciliation Action Plan. -  ...