Promotional strategy


Promotional strategy

Expected business improvement

Cost ($)

Target launch date

Material and accessories

Improve business brand awareness, push the sell, gain attention from the public, improve business profit, attract more students which could be the clients or friends of the future clients.  

Give away promotional items are really easy but hence take a lot of effort and money.


5 thousands – 10 thousands

1 week to research the pricing on the internet from different providers.


1 week to design, fix, review and finalise the design and chosen materials.


2 weeks to place an order and arrival time in the condition that provider located in Australia.


Improve communication between clients and business, increase the social engagement, create brand and social awareness from the online community, create opportunities to communicate and improve the product/ services

Search Engine Optimization, Email marketing, website marketing that associate to Hashtag might require a large amount of investment.

Expect no under 500 a month.

1 week to research about the hashtags of the competitors.


1 week to design the social post that attached to the hashtags.


Content marketing

Improve the value and meaning of the company.

Providing insight understanding of the product and services.

Improve engagement between clients.

Increase referral and reputation through quality content.

Provide detail and clear information require for general public.

Content writing require high attention to detail and professional skill. A product review post can cost around 100-200 for content writer.


It will depend on the length of the post that business require and the cost of each different content writer.

1 week to research for the content writer with good skill and budget.


1 week to design with the content that the company want to be create


2 weeks to write up, review and fix the content.


Public and this post can last forever, but might nee to be updated in the future.
